Monday, December 15, 2008

Megan Hauserman beat up by Sharon Osbourne Charm School Girl

Well this should get the show some better ratings. When I see things like this it is just to get the show in the news so more people will watch the show. It works too. I might be watching Charm School sometime soon now. Or maybe just Tivo it.

Mo'Nique would have never pulled this fuckery. She is just too classy!

I guess Sharon Osbourne doesn't believe in "practice what you preach" because TMZ reports that; the Charm Scool headmistress put an ass whouping on Megan Hauserman sending her to the hospital.

"Megan Hauserman claims Sharon Osbourne went ballistic during a taping of the show's reunion special Saturday night. She says Sharon O. ran across the stage of the show, grabbed Megan by her hair and would not let go. She says Sharon continued to pull at her hair and scratch her until security eventually separated the two. Megan went to the hospital Sunday afternoon and filed a report with the LAPD on Sunday night."

The reason for the fight? Charm School Rule 10a: The Truth Hurts

Hauserman set Sharon off by saying: "She is only famous for managing a brain dead rock star."

I wonder what Riki Rachtman did during all of this? Probably hid in the corner while holding his vagina. Stupid Riki Rachtman.

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